From Ustka to Orzechowo beach walk along the cliff coastline

Nearby: Ustka
max 1 m min 0 m
straighten 2.2km
timer 33min
north_east 1m
south_east 1m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
wb_sunny  Route in the sun

We highly recommend a walk from Ustka to the nearby Orzechowo for those who enjoy active relaxation by the sea. This is a beautiful part of the coastline! The main attractions here are the high cliffs and seaside dunes.

This part of the beach can only be reached on foot - there are no nearby streets or car parks, which means it's quiet and peaceful. 

You can get to Orzechowo in two ways: walking along the beach or over the cliffs. The cliff route is marked by a red trail that goes through a shaded, spruce forest. Both options are fantastic.

It's worth knowing that if we decide to go along the beach, there are no exits from the beach due to the high cliffs, the last exit is exit number 1 in Ustka, the next one is in Orzechowo.


It's worth taking some water and snacks for the walk - there's no civilization along the route: just the sea, cliffs, and us!

You won't find much in Orzechowo either...

Beach exit no. 1 in Ustka
Beach exit no. 1 in Ustka
From Ustka to Orzechowo - a path runs along the top of the cliff
From Ustka to Orzechowo - a path runs along the top of the cliff
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
From Ustka to Orzechowo beach
Orzechowo, the mouth of the Orzech贸wka river to the Baltic Sea
Orzechowo, the mouth of the Orzech贸wka river to the Baltic Sea

What's next in Orzechowo?

Orzechowo is a small hamlet. There are a few holiday homes and a forestry center. One of the attractions of Orzechowo is the possibility of free access to the observation tower (it's definitely taller than the lighthouse in Ustka!). The tower was built to monitor fires in the region.

Lookout tower in Orzechowo

Lookout tower in Orzechowo

The almost 50 m high lookout tower is located in the small town of Orzechowo Morskie, about 4 km from Ustka. ...

Lookout tower in Orzechowo
Lookout tower in Orzechowo

...but the most beautiful attraction - also trekking, why not! After all, no one comes to the seaside to laze around ;) It's the Orzechowska Dune nature trail with wooden footbridges. Be sure to include it in your walk schedule!

Orzechowska Dune - a nature trail near Ustka


Orzechowska Dune - a nature trail near Ustka

max 22 m min 10 m
straighten 2.9km
timer 47min
north_east 28m
south_east 28m
Orzechowska Dune
Orzechowska Dune
Publish Date:

More in the Region Morze - wsch贸d (Sea - East)
