Pi艂sudski Mound in Wolski Forest

Town: Krak贸w

check_circle  Slopes
check_circle  Stroller-friendly
check_circle  Small cyclist paths
check_circle  Mainly in the sun
check_circle  Children's playground
check_circle  Accessible by public transport
check_circle  Toilet available

Kopiec Pi艂sudskiego - the youngest, but the highest mound in Krakow!

The main attraction is, of course, climbing to the top and enjoying the views! The mound is accessible to everyone and entrance is free! The path leading to the top is paved with cobblestones and has no barriers.

Polana na Sowi艅cu

Just below the mound, you will find the ruins of the FB-37 Sowiniec Battery (a fortification element of the Krakow Fortress from the late 19th century, on which the mound was built).

Pi艂sudski Mound - Road to the mound
Pi艂sudski Mound - Road to the mound
Pi艂sudski Mound - on the top
Pi艂sudski Mound - on the top
Pi艂sudski Mound - view of the mountains: the characteristic silhouette of Babia G贸ra
Pi艂sudski Mound - view of the mountains: the characteristic silhouette of Babia G贸ra

Pi艂sudski Mound: History and Fun Facts

You can find many historical photos of the mound and interesting facts in the interactive presentation about District VII of Krakow: "Zwierzyniec - discover it again!": LINK TO PRESENTATION >>>

Sowi艅ce Meadow
Sowi艅ce Meadow
Pi艂sudski Mound - playground on the meadow
Pi艂sudski Mound - playground on the meadow
Walking paths under the Pi艂sudski Mound
Walking paths under the Pi艂sudski Mound

Getting to the Pi艂sudski Mound by car

On weekends, the parking lot near the zoo is closed. You must leave your car at the 艁ysa G贸ra parking lot (ul. Kuku艂cza, paid parking). From there, a green trail (starting at the MPK Baba Jaga bus stop) will lead you to the mound. The forest path is compacted but steep in some places and not suitable for strollers. It takes about 20-30 minutes (1.5 km) to reach the mound. If you have a stroller or bicycle, you need to climb along Kasy Oszcz臋dno艣ci Miasta Krakowa Avenue/Chodnik Beliny (about 1 km) and then follow W臋drownik贸w Avenue and Do Kopca.

The easiest way to reach the mound is by taking bus line 134 to the zoo (buses depart from B艂o艅/Cracovia Hotel). Then, follow W臋drownik贸w Avenue and Do Kopca. Unfortunately, these buses can be very crowded on weekends...

Children's app "Zwierzyniec - discover it again!"

Practical Information about the Pi艂sudski Mound

A short walk away are other attractions in Wolski Forest: the zoo, the Symbioza Center for Ecological Education, and the Kamedu艂贸w Monastery.

It is also worth taking a walk along the wild forest paths and momentarily forgetting that you are in the city. For example, you can take the green trail from the mound to the legendary Panie艅skie Ska艂y Reserve. You can find out more about Wolski Forest here:

Kopiec Pi艂sudskiego - dojazd autobusem

Naj艂atwiej dojecha膰 lini膮 134 pod Zoo (autobusy odje偶d偶aj膮 spod B艂o艅/hotelu Cracovia), nast臋pnie kierujemy si臋 al. W臋drownik贸w i al. Do Kopca. Niestety w weekendy te autobusy bywaj膮 bardzo zat艂oczone...

Linie 102, 192 i 152 zawioz膮 nas na ul. Kasztanow膮, przystanek MPK Kasztanowa. Dochodzimy do ul. Panie艅skich Ska艂, skr臋camy 偶贸艂tym szlakiem w las. Przy Panie艅skich Ska艂ach skr臋camy zielonym szlakiem w prawo. T膮 tras膮 dochodzimy do Kopca w ok 30-40 min, 2 km, 艣cie偶ka le艣na, miejscami stroma, nie dla w贸zk贸w.

Kopiec Pi艂sudskiego - informacje praktyczne

  • wst臋p bezp艂atny
  • mo偶na wjecha膰 w贸zkiem dzieci臋cym
  • zakaz wej艣cia z rowerami
  • brak zakazu wej艣cia dla ps贸w
  • toaleta toi-toi
Pi艂sudski Mound
Pi艂sudski Mound

Kopiec Pi艂sudskiego - atrakcje w okolicy

Krakow Zoo

Krakow Zoo

In Krakow Zoo, you can see various animals such as elephants, monkeys, giraffes, zebras, tigers, lions, flamingos, otters, and many others. ...

CEE SYMBIOSIS nature and ecology

CEE SYMBIOSIS nature and ecology

What is symbiosis? You may remember from biology class the definition of "the coexistence of different species that is beneficial for both parties", or you may know that symbiosis also refers to "the coexistence of phenomena, cultures, or individuals that mutually influence each other." ...

Kilkunastominutowy spacer dzieli nas od pozosta艂ych atrakcji Lasu Wolskiego: Zoo, Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej Symbioza i klasztoru Kamedu艂贸w:

Scenic route to the Kamedu艂贸w Monastery in Wolski Forest

directions_walk child_friendly directions_bike

Scenic route to the Kamedu艂贸w Monastery in Wolski Forest

max 322 m min 266 m
straighten 1.3km
timer 30min
north_east 72m
south_east 18m
The Maidens' Rocks and Wolski D贸艂 - Wolski Forest


The Maidens' Rocks and Wolski D贸艂 - Wolski Forest

max 350 m min 226 m
straighten 2.0km
timer 57min
north_east 180m
south_east 60m
Las Wolski - attractions, trails, meadows

Las Wolski - attractions, trails, meadows

The largest green area in Krakow! It's worth visiting in any season: for a walk, a bike ride, and in winter, for sledding. ...

Warto te偶 pospacerowa膰 dzikimi le艣nymi 艣cie偶kami i na chwil臋 zapomnie膰, 偶e jeste艣my w mie艣cie, np. zje艣膰 spod kopca zielonym szlakiem do owianego legend膮 rezerwatu Ska艂y Panie艅skie:Jeszcze wi臋cej o Lesie Wolskim znajdziecie tu:

Publish Date:
Last Updated: 2023-05-29