Baltic tales and legends

What stories does our Baltic Sea whisper? Listen to the sound of the waves, and you'll likely hear many fascinating tales - about the golden castle of goddess Jurata hidden deep in the sea, a jealous flounder, and a magical mill resting on the sea bed...

Where did the amber in the sea come from?

In ancient times, a trade route called the 'Amber Route' ran through Poland. This golden stone has been valued and sought after for centuries, and in the past, it was even more precious than gold. No wonder people wondered where the sea got these golden fragments, which it throws onto the sandy beach during a storm. Thus, a beautiful tale about the goddess Jurata and her underwater palace was born. And how amber really formed - you can read in our article where did the amber come from?


Why is the flounder flat?

The flounder is a peculiar-looking fish. It looks as if a roller smoothing the sea bed ran over it - two pairs of eyes on one side of the head, quite a joke, or a well-thought-out design? Why is the flounder flat?


Why is the sea salty?

A short sea bath is enough to realize that the water in our Baltic has a salty taste. Although our Baltic is a rather low-salty sea, the salty taste cannot be overlooked. Perhaps a magical mill still rests at the bottom of the sea? You can listen to the legend of the Salt Grandfather and the magical mill, or maybe you are looking for a geological answer to the question why is the sea salty?

why is the sea salty?
why is the sea salty?

Why does the sea swallow the Church in Trzęsacz?

A beautiful, large church was built in the middle of the village, about 2 km from the sea. Today, only a piece of one of its walls remains… What did people do to anger the ruler of the seas, King Perun, that he swallows the temple brick by brick… Read in the legend Why does the sea swallow the Church in Trzęsacz and where did the name Trzęsacz come from?

Ruins of the church in Trzęsacz
Ruins of the church in Trzęsacz
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