Short walk in Rzeszów with children

Nearby: Rzeszów
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
straighten  Distance 1.0km
timer Time 16min
north_east Ascents 10m
south_east Descents 16m
Elevation Profile:
max 210 m min 201 m
trending_flat  The route runs flat, with no inclines
stroller  Route for stroller (small wheels)
wb_sunny  Route in the sun
restaurant  Restaurant or bar nearby
shopping_cart  Store nearby
directions_bus  Access by public transport
train  Access by train possible

On this short and easy route, you will visit the main attractions and monuments of the Old Town in Rzeszów, from the famous Dobranocek Museum to the multimedia fountain.

Sightseeing - Main attractions of Rzeszów

We suggest starting your walk at the Dobranocek Museum in Rzeszów. This small exhibition is an attraction for both young and old!

Bedtime story Museum in Rzeszów

Bedtime story Museum in Rzeszów

The Bedtime story Museum in Rzeszów is an impressive collection of original dolls from movies, scenery fragments, and trinkets with images of cartoon characters. Here, we have the opportunity to learn about the history of Polish cartoons, delve into the secrets of animation, and most importantly, go back to carefree childhood times. ...

Bedtime story  Museum - Teddy Floppy Ear
Bedtime story Museum - Teddy Floppy Ear's room. We can peek inside, it's a shame we can't go in and hug the teddy bear...

Market Square in Rzeszów - What to see?

From the Dobranocek Museum, we move to the heart of the city: the Market Square of the Old Town. In the shadow of an interesting historic building, the town hall, it's worth stopping by the historic well. You can also grab a bite to eat in the numerous outdoor restaurants, cafes, and pastry shops.

Rzeszow. Old Town Square
Rzeszow. Old Town Square

Take a look into the well in the square! There awaits... a toad! Perhaps the name Rzeszów originated from the croaking of frogs?

Toad in the well on Rzeszów Market Square
Toad in the well on Rzeszów Market Square

ATTENTION! If you use the interactive panel near the well, you can "bring the toad to life", which will emit mysterious sounds...

Brave history and adventure enthusiasts can explore the modern, multimedia adventure called the Rzeszów Cellars Underground Tour.

Rzeszowskie Piwnice: Underground Tourist Route

Rzeszowskie Piwnice: Underground Tourist Route

The underground tourist route under the Rzeszów Market Square is a multimedia and interactive journey through the history of the city and the region. ...

Rzeszowskie Piwnice - multimedia exhibits
Rzeszowskie Piwnice - multimedia exhibits

Piano on the Market Square in Rzeszów

In the summer of 2022, music will resonate on the market square in Rzeszów! There is a unique outdoor piano available to all who are interested:

Piano in the Market Square in Rzeszow
Piano in the Market Square in Rzeszow

At full hours, you can listen to the "Rzeszów hejnał" - a composition by T. Stańko resounding from the town hall. Rzeszów is proud of its musicians, including Tomasz Stańko, Wojciech Kilar, and Tadeusz Nalepa (you will meet him on our walk!). Perhaps this is why the idea of placing an outdoor piano on the Market Square originated here?

You can also visit the branches of the Regional Museum in Rzeszów on the Market Square, including the historical museum (armor, weapons, city plan) Museum of the History of the City of Rzeszów >>> and the ethnographic museum (folk costumes and interesting temporary exhibitions):

Ethnographic Museum in Rzeszów

Ethnographic Museum in Rzeszów

The permanent exhibition at the Ethnographic Museum in Rzeszów is an interactive presentation of traditional folk costumes called "Everyday and Festive". ...

3 Maja Street in Rzeszów - Attractions on the promenade

From the Market Square, we walk along T. Kościuszko Street to the main promenade of the city: 3 Maja Street, formerly known as Pańska or Paniaga Street.

Rzeszow, 3 Maja Street - the main promenade of the city
Rzeszow, 3 Maja Street - the main promenade of the city

Right next to the Farna Church, an unusual "passerby" greets us: the walking statue of Tadeusz Nalepa.

A bit further, we find a "witness of history": an interesting display case with historical street pavements.

Rzeszów, 3 Maja Street - "witness of history"
Rzeszów, 3 Maja Street - "witness of history"

After crossing the intersection with Jagiellońska Street, we encounter the complex of the Piarist Monastery.

Rzeszów, Piarist Church and Museum on 3 Maja Street
Rzeszów, Piarist Church and Museum on 3 Maja Street

One of the former monastery buildings houses the oldest high school in the city, the former gymnasium, whose student was, among others, Ignacy Łukasiewicz. In the other building, you will find the main headquarters of the Regional Museum in Rzeszów. The permanent exhibitions here include archaeological collections, a collection of militaria, a gallery of Polish and European painting, and artistic craftsmanship.

District Museum in Rzeszów

District Museum in Rzeszów

The District Museum in Rzeszów offers several permanent exhibitions and interesting temporary displays. On the ground floor, you can see the cloisters with a part of the painting exhibition... ...

3 Maja Street in Rzeszów also offers charming restaurants, bars, and pastry shops, including the "iconic" ice cream parlor "Lody u Myszki" in the gate near the Zorza Cinema. Also, pay attention to the beautifully renovated representative Secessionist tenement houses:

Rzeszów tenement houses, 3 Maja Street / Zamkowa Street
Rzeszów tenement houses, 3 Maja Street / Zamkowa Street

Lubomirski Palace and Castle in Rzeszów

From 3 Maja Street, we head towards Lubomirskich Street towards the castle. On the left side, we pass the summer palace of the Lubomirski family:

Rzeszów. Lubomirski Palace
Rzeszów. Lubomirski Palace

The castle, surrounded by a deep "green" moat, is located just around the corner.

Lubomirski Castle in Rzeszów and the "green moat" - a perfect place for a family picnic!
Lubomirski Castle in Rzeszów and the "green moat" - a perfect place for a family picnic!

Before we rest (and have some fun!) at the multimedia fountain, let's take a look at the Pod Kasztanami Avenue - this is where the most beautiful Secessionist villas are located:

Rzeszów, Pod Kasztanami Avenue - Secessionist villas
Rzeszów, Pod Kasztanami Avenue - Secessionist villas

Along Pod Kasztanami Avenue, we will reach the monument of Jan Pakosławic, a knight to whom King Kazimierz the Great granted ownership of the city of Rzeszów in 1354.

Jan Pakosławic - the first owner of the city of Rzeszów
Jan Pakosławic - the first owner of the city of Rzeszów

From here, it's very close to the castle tower, where supposedly the golden brick is hidden.

PS. If you feel like taking a longer walk (if you have the time and energy), you can walk along Aleja Lubomirskich to the Zamkowy Bridge and take a stroll along the banks of the Wisłok River, where many attractions await you! See for yourself:

Multimedia Fountain in Rzeszow

Multimedia Fountain in Rzeszow

The multimedia fountain in Rzeszow is a favorite, accessible attraction for both young and older tourists. We recommend visiting it on a hot summer day as well as at night! ...

Multimedia fountain during the day
Multimedia fountain during the day

Along the river, you can walk all the way to the Reservoir: here, you will find picnic meadows, a large playground, gastronomic establishments, and attractions such as mini-golf and water sports equipment rental (pedal boats, kayaks):

Boulevards along the Wisłok - a walk to the Reservoir

directions_walk directions_bike

Boulevards along the Wisłok - a walk to the Reservoir

max 204 m min 196 m
straighten 5.8km
timer 1h 36min
north_east 60m
south_east 56m

Wzdłuż rzeki możecie dojść aż nad Zalew: tu czekają piknikowe łąki, wielki plac zabaw, lokale gastronomiczne i atrakcje: mini-golf, wypożyczalnia sprzętu wodnego (rowery wodne, kajaki):  

Reservoir on the Wisłoka River

Reservoir on the Wisłoka River

A wonderful area for relaxation by the water and amidst greenery, which can be reached from the city center in about half an hour! In the summer season, there are many attractions here for children and more! ...

Publish Date:
Last Updated: 2022-08-16