Młynówka Królewska - longest park in Poland

Town: Kraków
max 217 m min 209 m
straighten 7.1km
timer 1h 57min
north_east 72m
south_east 70m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
trending_flat  The route runs flat, with no inclines
add_road  Asphalt road
stroller  Route for stroller (small wheels)
directions_bike  Bike route
directions_bike  Bike route without motorized traffic
wb_sunny  Route in the sun
sports_basketball  Playground along the route
directions_bus  Access by public transport
accessible_forward  The route is adapted to the needs of disabled people

Młynówka Królewska is the longest park in Poland!

It stretches from Mydlnik (entrance from Zakliki Street) all the way to the center - Aleja Słowackiego, near Radio Kraków. Its total length is 7.4 km! The route is a great suggestion for a full-day walk or a family bike ride - the entire route is separated from cars and traffic, only crossing roads.

Młynówka Królewska near Radio Kraków
Młynówka Królewska near Radio Kraków

History of Młynówka Królewska

Młynówka Królewska is a promenade that is a remnant of the former Młynówka River, which brought water from Rudawa to the center of Kraków. The waters of Młynówka supplied the moat around the Old Town. Młynówka flowed through a system of wooden pipelines, supplying water to the city and the chambers at Wawel Castle. It even reached the Dominican Church, crossing the market square. The waters of Młynówka Królewska powered the royal mills - hence their name! At the beginning of the route (in Mydlniki), the old riverbed is still preserved. Street names like Zarzecze, Wenecja, and Dolnych Młynów are also reminders of the flowing river.

Preserved old riverbed in Mydlniki
Preserved old riverbed in Mydlniki

Młynówka Królewska - from Mydlnik to Bronowice Małe

Not many people know this part of Młynówka, where its "less civilized" character is still preserved. This section is a walking path, partly gravel, and sometimes difficult to navigate with a stroller. For those who want to fill their water bottles, there is a drinking water intake at the intersection of Lindego and Filtrowa streets (marked on the map).

Royal Mill Stream - section from Zakliki Street in Mydlniki
Royal Mill Stream - section from Zakliki Street in Mydlniki
Młynówka Królewska from the Mydlniki side
Młynówka Królewska from the Mydlniki side
Frog encountered on Młynówka Królewska
Frog encountered on Młynówka Królewska
Młynówka - bridge
Młynówka - bridge

Młynówka Królewska - from Bronowice Małe to Aleje Słowackiego

From the entrance to Młynówka at Na Błonie Street, there is a convenient, paved pedestrian and cycling path - you can easily move around with a stroller, bicycle (sometimes crossing streets), or rollerblades. This section of Młynówka features many new playgrounds for children.

Here is the newest one, opened in May 2022:

Playground at Grottgera Street (Młynówka Królewska)
Playground at Grottgera Street (Młynówka Królewska)

...and others:

Playground at Wesele Street
Playground at Wesele Street
Playground on Młynówka at Podchorążych Street
Playground on Młynówka at Podchorążych Street
Playground on Młynówka at Młodej Polski Street
Playground on Młynówka at Młodej Polski Street

Młynówka and Wały Rudawy

In the area of Zygmunta Starego Street, Młynówka Królewska merges with Wały Rudawy - a fantastic pedestrian and cycling route that leads all the way to Błonia. Combining both routes is a great idea for a cycling loop and a place to relax - here, time flows slowly and peacefully, away from the city's hustle and bustle.

Walk along Rudawy Embankments

directions_walk directions_bike

Walk along Rudawy Embankments

max 214 m min 204 m
straighten 4.6km
timer 1h 15min
north_east 44m
south_east 38m
Rudawa Embankments
Rudawa Embankments

PS. We have included this route in our article "Where to go cycling in Kraków?" Also, explore our other suggestions!

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Publish Date:
Last Updated: 2022-05-10