Kluszkowce: yellow trail to Lubań

Nearby: Nowy Targ
Medium - For young hikers, steep sections possible
straighten  Distance 6.9km
timer Time 3h 22min
north_east Ascents 659m
south_east Descents 47m
Elevation Profile:
max 1202 m min 588 m
terrain  The slope of the terrain
beach_access  Route in the shade

The yellow trail to Lubań from Kluszkowce leads to the top of Gorce through the forest. Its advantage on a hot day is full shading of the route, besides, it is also much less frequented and milder than the neighboring blue trail from Snozka Pass.

At the destination, a lookout tower awaits us with a beautiful panorama of the 4 cardinal directions: Tatras, Pieniny, Gorce and Beskids.

Lubań, 1211 m above sea level, meadow at the peak and lookout tower
Lubań, 1211 m above sea level, meadow at the peak and lookout tower

Yellow trail in Kluszkowce

The yellow trail starts in Kluszkowce near the marina on Lake Czorsztyn, goes through the town center and enters the forest only in the area of the Modrzewie Reserve. If possible, it is worth skipping this section and going up the Gorce street (e.g. near the school, church).

Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań
Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań

Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań

The forest road leads along the southern slopes of the Lubań massif and gently rises to the ridge in the area of the Jaworzyny Ochotnickie peak. We will get here after about 2 hours from leaving Kluszkowce.

Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań
Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań

Jaworzyny Ochotnickie - Lubań

Jaworzyny Ochotnickie is a small clearing with a view to the north and - in season - blueberry fields.

Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań. Jaworzyny Ochotnickie
Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań. Jaworzyny Ochotnickie
Jaworzyny Ochotnickie clearing. Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań.
Jaworzyny Ochotnickie clearing. Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań.

From this point, we are already going along the ridge, i.e. without major differences in height: sometimes slightly up, slightly down, or quite "on the level".

Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań.
Yellow trail Kluszkowce - Lubań.

After about 20 minutes of such a walk and the joining of the blue trail from Ochotnica yellow signs turn off on a narrow path to the right, while the main ridge road (blue, green and red trails) climbs straight to the peak.

At this point we can choose:

  • either we go straight up the main road to the peak and to the tower - beware: it will be very steep!
  • or we use the bypass with the yellow trail - then we circle the peak, reach the tent base and from there to the peak and to the tower. This is only a slightly longer, but much milder and more convenient route.

Lubań, 1211 m above sea level and the lookout tower

Regardless of which route we choose, a beautiful panorama from the tower terrace awaits us in all 4 cardinal directions! From here we will see not only the Tatras in all their glory, but also Pieniny, Gorce, Beskid Sądecki, Wyspowy and Żywiecki.

Tatra Mountains and Czorsztyńskie Lake from the tower on Lubań
Tatra Mountains and Czorsztyńskie Lake from the tower on Lubań

In the summer season (July - August) it is worth going to the tent base run by SKPB from Krakow. You can rest here, have a coffee or tea. Below the base, at the blue trail towards Snozka Pass, there is a spring with drinking water.

Seasonal tent base on Lubań
Seasonal tent base on Lubań

More about the tower on Lubań, views and other trails to the peak we write here:

Trails to Lubań - peak and observation tower

Trails to Lubań - peak and observation tower

Lubań is an incredibly scenic peak in the Gorce Mountains, on the border of the Beskid Wyspowy and Pieniny ranges. From the observation tower, you can enjoy a picturesque panorama of the Tatra peaks, Czorsztyńskie Lake, the Dunajec River Gorge and the entire sea of Beskid hills. ...

Return to Kluszkowce

The return by the yellow trail will take us about 2 hours. We can also descend the blue trail to the foot of Wdżar Mountain and return to the trail entrance from there. The descent from Lubań by the blue trail to Drzyślawa Pass under Wdżar is about 1 hour - beware: it will be much steeper here than on the yellow trail.

Both trails - blue and yellow - can be combined into a neat loop.

To Lubań from Snozka Pass - blue trail


To Lubań from Snozka Pass - blue trail

max 1202 m min 651 m
straighten 5.5km
timer 2h 50min
north_east 586m
south_east 36m
Publish Date:

More in the Region Gorce (Gorce)
