Kobylanska Valley

Town: Kobylany Nearby: Kraków
max 417 m min 279 m
straighten 3.7km
timer 1h 29min
north_east 227m
south_east 103m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
trending_flat  The route runs flat, with no inclines
directions_bike  Bike route
wb_sunny  Route in the sun
directions_car  Access by car
directions_bus  Access by public transport

Kobylanska Valley - how to get there?

By MPK bus: from Bronowice Malych, take bus line 278 to Kobylany village. Alternatively, you can take bus line 210 and get off at Będkowice Pętla stop - from there, you can reach the valley through a rocky trail that is not wheelchair accessible.

Kobylanska Valley - starting point from Kobylany side
Kobylanska Valley - starting point from Kobylany side

Kobylanska Valley - wheelchair accessibility

The bottom of the valley is a path, sometimes rocky, sometimes paved, covered with grass. As you go further, it becomes narrower and in summer, the grass can be tall. In some places, there is a stream called Kobylanka flowing through the path. We managed to navigate a significant part of the valley with a stroller with large, inflatable wheels, although it was not easy at times (I would recommend a baby carrier instead). If you are not primarily interested in exploring the valley, but rather in having a family picnic or resting, you can bring a stroller. Inside one of the caves, there is a rocky shrine of the Virgin Mary. There are two ways to reach it - steep stairs carved into the rock, which are uneven, but there is a railing next to them, or a gravel path, which is steep.

Kobylanska Valley - Path to the Chapel
Kobylanska Valley - Path to the Chapel
Kobylanska Valley - view from below the shrine
Kobylanska Valley - view from below the shrine
Kobylanska Valley - view from below the shrine
Kobylanska Valley - view from below the shrine
Kobylanska Valley - Mnich (Monk)
Kobylanska Valley - Mnich (Monk)
Kobylanska Valley
Kobylanska Valley
Kobylanska Valley
Kobylanska Valley

Meadow and resting area

In the valley, there is a vast meadow and a wooden shelter. It is a perfect place for a family picnic. It is recommended to bring a picnic blanket and food with you.

Kobylanska Valley - meadow
Kobylanska Valley - meadow

Attraction for climbers

The high, steep rocks are a paradise for climbers. Even on weekdays, there are many groups, often families, practicing climbing here.

Kobylanska Valley - one of the many climbing routes
Kobylanska Valley - one of the many climbing routes

Restaurant in Kobylany village

In Kobylany village, there is a restaurant called "Dream about the Valley". There are no gastronomic points or shops in the valley itself (you can enjoy the contact with nature).

Restaurant "Dream about the Valley" in Kobylany
Restaurant "Dream about the Valley" in Kobylany

PS. We have included this route in the article "The Most Beautiful Valleys near Krakow". Discover them all!

The Most Beautiful Valleys near Krakow

The Most Beautiful Valleys near Krakow

The valleys near Krakow - which one is the most beautiful? The white, limestone rocks surrounding Krakow hide many extraordinary trails and paths. ...

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