Hala Łabowska - blue trail from Łabowa

Nearby: Nowy Sącz
max 1030 m min 582 m
straighten 5.2km
timer 2h 37min
north_east 530m
south_east 83m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
terrain  The slope of the terrain
stroller  Route for a stroller with large wheels
restaurant  Restaurant or bar nearby
directions_car  Access by car

The Easiest and Fastest Trail to Hala Łabowska

The shortest route to Hala Łabowska starts from Łabowa, specifically from the Łabowiec hamlet along the Łabowiec stream.

If you are traveling with a large off-road stroller (and you are experienced in mountain trips with a stroller), you will manage!

At the end of the road in Łabowiec, there is a small parking lot.

Hala Łabowska - parking in Łabowiec
Hala Łabowska - parking in Łabowiec

The initial section of the trail leads along a paved forest road (closed to car traffic).

Although the road goes through the forest, there will be little shade if we walk at noon. Paved does not mean flat either - we quickly ascend until we reach the Łabowiec Valley.

Hala Łabowska - Łabowiec Valley
Hala Łabowska - Łabowiec Valley

Here, about an hour after starting the trail, we finally exchange the pavement for a forest road: there will be more shade!

Niebieski szlak z Łabowa na Halę Łabowską
Niebieski szlak z Łabowa na Halę Łabowską

The road through the forest also ascends, but it is not steep. The path is quite wide and comfortable.

Hala Łabowska - blue trail
Hala Łabowska - blue trail
Hala Łabowska - blue trail
Hala Łabowska - blue trail

After less than an hour of walking in the forest, we reach the vast Hala Łabowska.

Hala Łabowska - PTTK Shelter, Views

On Hala Łabowska, there is the PTTK Łabowiec shelter (hot meals, souvenirs).

It is worth going up the expansive meadow for the views. There is plenty of space for picnics, as well as places for bonfires, covered shelters, educational boards, a field altar, and a partisan monument. In the season: blueberry fields!

Meadows at Hala Łabowska
Meadows at Hala Łabowska

Do you know other trails to Hala Łabowska?

Write to us at: konkurs.trasadlabobasa@gmail.com

Hala Łabowska - shelter
Hala Łabowska - shelter

PS. This trail has been included in our article "Beskidy - the most beautiful trails and routes for children". Do you want to know the rest of them?

Beskids - the most beautiful trails and routes for children

Beskids - the most beautiful trails and routes for children

The Beskids are gentle, forested slopes, scenic meadows and pastures, hundreds of kilometers of trails: easy, but also sometimes quite demanding. Which trail in the Beskids to choose for a trip with children? ...

We have also selected it for our ranking "TOP 15: easiest mountain trails for first hikes with children". Discover them all!

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TOP 15: Easiest mountain trails for the first hikes with children in Poland

When our toddler outgrows the carrier and wants to hike on their own, we need to choose a trail that suits their abilities. The satisfaction of conquering their first summit will be invaluable and will remain in the child's memory... and the parents' memory too! ...

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More in the Region Beskid Sądecki (Beskid Sądecki)
