Grodzisko and Cietnia: blue trail from Poznachowice Gorne

Nearby: Dobczyce
max 815 m min 445 m
straighten 6.7km
timer 3h 15min
north_east 631m
south_east 262m
Medium - For young hikers, steep sections possible
terrain  The slope of the terrain
beach_access  Route in the shade
directions_car  Access by car

The Cietnia ridge trail from the northern peak of Grodzisko, through Cubla and Ksiaza Gora, all the way to Cietnia itself, is a pleasant forest walk with a few scenic viewpoints along the way.

Table of Contents
Blue trail: descent from Grodzisko towards Ciecie艅 (on the horizon)
Blue trail: descent from Grodzisko towards Ciecie艅 (on the horizon)

Beginning of the blue trail - Poznachowice Gorne

The long-distance Swoszowice-Skawa trail leads through the entire Cietnia Range from north to south. The easiest way to start the hike is in Poznachowice Gorne, at the border of the asphalt road and the forest. Although there is no designated parking lot here, a few cars can fit in the pull-off by the road.

From Poznachowice to Grodzisko

Grodzisko is not very high, but it is a distinctive, cone-shaped peak that stands out in the area. Here is Grodzisko seen from the viewpoint below the summit of Lubomir:

Viewpoint below the summit of Lubomir in winter scenery
Viewpoint below the summit of Lubomir in winter scenery

It must be admitted that the ascent to the summit of Grodzisko from Poznachowice is short but quite steep: over a distance of 800 meters, we climb an elevation difference of almost 200 meters.

Beginning of the blue trail from Poznachowice G贸rne to Grodzisko
Beginning of the blue trail from Poznachowice G贸rne to Grodzisko
Ascent to the summit of Grodzisko - blue trail from Poznachowice G贸rne
Ascent to the summit of Grodzisko - blue trail from Poznachowice G贸rne

Grodzisko, 618 m above sea level - what will we see at the top?

The summit of Grodzisko is currently completely forested, but the terrain clearly indicates that it was not always the case!

View from Grodzisko to Ciecie艅
View from Grodzisko to Ciecie艅

The history of the stronghold and fortress on Grodzisko

Numerous ditches, moats, and ramparts, as well as traces of stone foundations around the summit, are remnants of the former fortress. It is most likely that a stronghold existed here as early as the Lusatian culture period (findings from around the 5th century BC), as well as during the Tyniec culture period (2nd-1st century BC).

Later, during the reign of the first Piasts, an early medieval stone stronghold called the "Szczyrzycki stronghold" was built here, which was destroyed during the Mongol invasions in the 13th century. This stronghold was written about by Karol Bunsch in the novel "Dzikowy Skarb" (set in the times of Mieszko I).

Shape of the Grodzisko summit - full of ancient ramparts, moats, and ditches
Shape of the Grodzisko summit - full of ancient ramparts, moats, and ditches

Partisans on Grodzisko

Today, the partisans who operated in this area during World War II are primarily commemorated on the summit of Grodzisko (the shelter of the "Smialy" unit and a partisan hospital were located here), as well as two anti-communist opposition partisans buried in the vicinity. They are commemorated by symbolic graves, a cross, and informational plaques.

Grodzisko, 618 m above sea level - at the summit
Grodzisko, 618 m above sea level - at the summit
Grodzisko, 618 m above sea level - at the summit
Grodzisko, 618 m above sea level - at the summit

From Grodzisko to Cietnia

From the summit of Grodzisko, we descend to the north, towards the Borsuki settlement. Here, the black trail from the Stradomka Valley joins us, and on the wide meadows, there are views to the south and west. From here, we can see the destination of our hike - the quite prominent, double-peaked dome of Cietnia, and in the background, the much lower Ksiaza Gora. From the west, the massif of Lubomir and Lysina, as well as Kamiennik, are visible.

Pass below Grodzisko: view of the Cietnia Range
Pass below Grodzisko: view of the Cietnia Range

The trail from Grodzisko to Cietnia is a wide, comfortable forest road, which, as is often the case on a ridge, alternates between slight ascents and descents, and often leads on a mostly flat terrain.

Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅, ridge road
Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅, ridge road
Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅: junction with the black trail
Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅: junction with the black trail

Along the way, after separating from the black trail, we traverse two poorly distinguishable peaks, first Cubla Gora, and then Ksiaza Gora.

Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅: turn to the forested peak of Cubleja G贸ra
Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅: turn to the forested peak of Cubleja G贸ra

Chapel below Ksiaza Gora

Between Cubla Gora and Ksiaza Gora, there is an impressive pillar-shaped chapel from 1869, with a bench next to it.

Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅. Chapel on the trail.
Blue trail Grodzisko - Ciecie艅. Chapel on the trail.

On Ksiaza Gora itself, we will find a small clearing surrounded by the forest, an altar, and a cross. There used to be a wooden observation tower here (dismantled in 2014).

Just past Ksiaza Gora, at the intersection of the blue ridge trail with the yellow - the so-called Monastic Route, which connects Wisniowa with Szczyrzyc - a small chapel and another bench await us:

Intersection of the blue ridge trail with the yellow Wi艣niowa-Szczyrzyc trail
Intersection of the blue ridge trail with the yellow Wi艣niowa-Szczyrzyc trail

Ascent to Cietnia

Just before the summit of Cietnia, the green and red trails from Szczyrzyc join our blue trail. When the red trail turns away from us and the yellow trail joins instead, it means that we have one last steep but not too long section of ascent to the summit.

Trail junctions below the summit of Cietnia
Trail junctions below the summit of Cietnia

Cietnia, 830 m above sea level - summit and attractions at the top

At the summit of Cietnia, there is a signboard (no stamps) and a bench... and a forest. To see the views, we need to descend slightly below, following the blue markers (about 5 minutes below the summit).

Ciecie艅, 830 m above sea level - summit
Ciecie艅, 830 m above sea level - summit

Here, we will find such a panorama, here in the winter fog:

Viewpoint below the summit of Ciecie艅
Viewpoint below the summit of Ciecie艅

...or a slightly better one in the autumn weather:

Wielkie Pole - viewpoint below the summit of Ciecie艅
Wielkie Pole - viewpoint below the summit of Ciecie艅

Cietnia - curious, views, trails

You can read more about Cietnia and interesting facts about this peak and other trails that lead here in the article:

Trails to Ciecie艅

Trails to Ciecie艅

Ciecie艅 is a not very high peak in the Beskid Wyspowy range, measuring only 830 meters above sea level. Just below the summit, there is a viewpoint meadow. ...

Back to Poznachowice

Returning to Poznachowice Gorne along the same trail should take about 2 hours. Alternatively, we can descend on the green trail to Wisniowa and try to catch a bus or hitchhike to Poznachowice. The descent to Wisniowa takes about 45 minutes. The route along the asphalt road from Wisniowa to Poznachowice Gorne is about 5 km long.

Publish Date:
Last Updated: 2024-01-05

More in the Region Beskid Wyspowy (Beskid Wyspowy)
