Górny Płaj. Blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny

Nearby: Sucha Beskidzka
max 1233 m min 1012 m
straighten 6.0km
timer 2h 31min
north_east 410m
south_east 218m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
trending_flat  The route runs flat, with no inclines
stroller  Route for a stroller with large wheels
beach_access  Route in the shade
restaurant  Restaurant or bar nearby
directions_car  Access by car
directions_bus  Can be reached by bus
warning  No dogs allowed

Easy walk with a stroller and a small child in the mountains?

Yes, if we choose the blue trail from Przełęcz Lipnicka, commonly known as Przełęcz Krowiarki.

There will be mountain views and a real mountain shelter at the end of the trail!

The route will take you about 1.5 to 2 hours one way. The only downside is the crowded paid parking. On weekends, you have to come here early in the morning or choose a weekday or off-season. There are also buses from Zawoja that come here.

Krowiarki, Lipnicka Pass: the beginning of the red and blue trail
Krowiarki, Lipnicka Pass: the beginning of the red and blue trail

Blue trail from Krowiarki - a route for small children and strollers

The path is wide, well-prepared, and paved. Mostly covered with small stones, sometimes with a dirt surface. It winds through the forest, with a slight incline along the forested southern slopes of Babia Góra.

Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny
Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny

Blue trail to Markowe Szczawiny shelter - for whom?

We can easily pass through here with a stroller (preferably with larger wheels, as it is not a park alley).

We have also seen children on balance bikes, but in this case, you have to consider that the child may slip on loose stones - it won't be a completely comfortable ride...

Górny Płaj: blue trail Krowiarki - Markowe Szczawiny
Górny Płaj: blue trail Krowiarki - Markowe Szczawiny

The blue trail is also a convenient walking route for people with limited mobility or those who cannot embark on a typical mountain climb.

Walking this trail is also a good idea for a hike in bad weather or during winter - without slippery stones, icy steep climbs, etc.

Attractions on the blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny

Contrary to appearances, it will not be just a long, tedious hike. Although we walk through the forest, we will be accompanied by mountain views: closer to Krowiarki, we can see the Policy range, and closer to the shelter, we can look up to see the summit of the Queen of the Beskids - Babia Góra itself.

Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny
Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny

About 20-30 minutes from the start of Krowiarki, we pass by the Wet Pond - it is visible from the trail, and you can also approach it with a short rocky path with railings (without a stroller). This is the largest lake in the Babia Góra massif. Apparently, rare amphibians such as the mountain newt and the Carpathian newt can be found here.

Mokry Stawek near Górny Płaj (blue trail) - the largest lake in the Babia Góra Massif
Mokry Stawek near Górny Płaj (blue trail) - the largest lake in the Babia Góra Massif

There are also several benches in this area - later, in the second half of the trail, there won't be any.

From the blue trail, two side trails branch off: closer to Krowiarki, the green trail, called Perć Przyrodników, leads to Sokolica - a steep but short ascent to a beautiful viewpoint:

The Naturalists' Path: From Górny Płaj to Sokolica


The Naturalists' Path: From Górny Płaj to Sokolica

max 1379 m min 1063 m
straighten 1.4km
timer 1h 8min
north_east 318m
south_east 18m
Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny
Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny

...and also the yellow trail - the famous Perć Akademików: the most difficult trail to Babia Góra with chains and hooks.

Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny. Junction of the yellow trail "Perć Akademików".
Górny Płaj: blue trail from Krowiarki to Markowe Szczawiny. Junction of the yellow trail "Perć Akademików".

Markowe Szczawiny Shelter

A large shelter on a small forest clearing (without views). Here, we can rest, get a commemorative stamp, have lunch, sweets, drinks, etc. We can also take a short walk along the black trail to a viewpoint overlooking Zawoja (10-15 minutes, without a stroller).

PTTK Markowe Szczawiny Shelter
PTTK Markowe Szczawiny Shelter

Return from Markowe Szczawiny Shelter

If we have a stroller, we can only return the same way, i.e., the blue trail. If not, we can consider several other routes. The red trail through Przełęcz Brona and the summit of Babia Góra will lead us to the Krowiarki parking lot (steep and long route: about 3 hours, over 500 meters of elevation gain).

We can descend to Zawoja-Markowe using the green or black trail, and to Zawoja-Czatoża by a narrow but easy path, the yellow trail.

PS. This route has been included in our article "Around Babia Góra. Trails around Zawoja." Would you like to know about the others?

Around Babia Góra. Trails in the vicinity of Zawoja

Around Babia Góra. Trails in the vicinity of Zawoja

Where to go for a mountain hike from Zawoja? Not just to Babia Góra! The surrounding mountain ridges offer kilometers of beautiful scenic trails accessible to everyone! ...

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More in the Region Beskid Żywiecki (Żywiec Beskids)
