Aleja Trzech Staw贸w and Muchowiec Park in Katowice

Nearby: Katowice
max 276 m min 262 m
straighten 3.8km
timer 1h 4min
north_east 51m
south_east 61m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties
trending_flat  The route runs flat, with no inclines
add_road  Asphalt road
stroller  Route for stroller (small wheels)
directions_bike  Bike route
directions_bike  Bike route without motorized traffic
wb_sunny  Route in the sun
directions_bus  Access by public transport
accessible_forward  The route is adapted to the needs of disabled people

Aleja Trzech Staw贸w (Three Ponds Avenue) is the main asphalt recreational and walking trail in the Valley of Three Ponds, near the Muchowiec airport. The asphalt promenade runs through the entire area of the Valley of Three Ponds and is perfect for family relaxation - for biking, rollerblading, or a stroll with a stroller.

Rollerblading in Muchowiec Park

The best part of Aleja Trzech Staw贸w for rollerblading is the one located near the Muchowiec airport - it's wide, with good asphalt. It also has designated lanes for cyclists. The route stretches from the Muchowiec estate to the swimming area by the pond.

Three Ponds Avenue in Muchowiec Park
Three Ponds Avenue in Muchowiec Park
Three Ponds Avenue in Muchowiec Park
Three Ponds Avenue in Muchowiec Park
Three Ponds Bathing Area
Three Ponds Bathing Area
Three Ponds Avenue near the bathing area and highway
Three Ponds Avenue near the bathing area and highway

Kayak Pond and Meadow Pond

Here, the asphalt path has a different character - it is definitely narrower, but also more shaded and atmospheric. There are benches along the path and near the ponds where you can rest.

Three Ponds Avenue near 艁膮ka Pond
Three Ponds Avenue near 艁膮ka Pond
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