Stryszawa: Beskid Wooden Toy Center

Stryszawa 740
34-205 Stryszawa
call 33 874 70 03    link

check_circle  In a room
check_circle  Outdoors
check_circle  Easy maneuvering with a stroller
check_circle  Shop nearby
check_circle  Parking
check_circle  Restroom available
check_circle  Attractions for children
check_circle  Playground

The Best Toy Museum?

One where we can play! ...And even literally "enter the world of toys":

Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - toy workshop
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - toy workshop

Beskid Wooden Toy Center - visiting

The museum is located in a historic forester's lodge. The exhibition occupies only one room and one room in the adjacent cottage - the toy workshop, and yet you can spend a lot of time here... and not get bored!

Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - exhibition
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - exhibition
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa

We visit the exhibition with a guide. Our guide told us very interesting stories about the history of Stryszawa's toys, patiently answered the children's questions - everyone: children and adults had a great time, gained a lot of knowledge, interesting facts... and more:

Beskid Wooden Toy Center - attractions

In the museum, there is a corner where we can play with wooden toys, and in the museum shop, we can also buy our own toy or a wooden fairytale figurine.

Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - play corner
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - play corner
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - play corner
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - play corner

Workshops at the Toy Center in Stryszawa

The museum organizes larger events (Toy Festival in the first weekend of June), organized activities for children, but every visitor can participate in mini-workshops and, for a small additional fee to the ticket, paint their own wooden toy - it will be the best souvenir:

Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - workshops
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - workshops

Park of Wooden Folk Toys - playground

And what if we could enter a toy? Here you can ride a painted horse, get into a carriage, swing in a cradle, have races with walking toys in the maxi version:

Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - playground
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - playground
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - playground
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - playground
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - playground
Beskid Wooden Toy Center in Stryszawa - playground

Feel like taking a walk? In the area, we recommend the loop to Jałowiec:

Stryszawa Matusy - Jałowiec, loop


Stryszawa Matusy - Jałowiec, loop

max 1108 m min 518 m
straighten 12.7km
timer 4h 54min
north_east 693m
south_east 689m
Publish Date:

More in the Region Beskid Żywiecki (Żywiec Beskids)
