Polinka Cable Car in Wrocław

Nearby: Wrocław
max 117 m min 116 m
straighten 0.4km
timer 6min
north_east 1m
south_east 1m
Easy - Suitable for everyone, no terrain difficulties

The Polinka cable car was built with students, doctoral students, and employees of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in mind - today it is often mentioned as one of the tourist attractions of Wrocław. If your child is truly a fan of cable cars, you are nearby, or taking a ride on the cable car fits your plans, as a way to cross the Oder River at this point - it is certainly an interesting option. However, it is worth knowing that the ride on the cable car is quite short (the route is 400m long), and the cable car itself is located far from the city center and other attractions - so is it worth going there specifically? We leave that decision up to you.

  • Short 400m route (the journey takes 3 minutes)
  • Easy access to the cable car with a stroller
  • Closed cable car cabins, can be stuffy in summer and the plexiglass windows are not very transparent
  • Lack of other attractions nearby
Polinka Cable Railway
Polinka Cable Railway
The route is only 400m long
The route is only 400m long
Polinka cable car cabin - easy access with a stroller
Polinka cable car cabin - easy access with a stroller

Practical information - ticket prices, opening hours

Tickets for the "Polinka" cable car can be purchased at all ticket machines in Wrocław - you need to select the option "Purchase other paper tickets", and then "Single ticket for the Polinka Cable Car". Tickets from Wrocław's MPK are not valid.

  • Ticket prices: regular 4.6 PLN; discounted 2.3 PLN
  • Opening hours: from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM (break from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM), closed on holidays or in unfavorable weather conditions: thunderstorm, heavy snowfall, strong wind, fog.
Tickets for the cable car are not the same as tickets for trams and buses!
Tickets for the cable car are not the same as tickets for trams and buses!

History of the Polinka cable car

Polinka was launched on October 1, 2013. You can cross from one bank to the other in less than three minutes. The name of the cable car was chosen in 2013 in a student competition, which was won by Grzegorz Pac, a former mechatronics student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Polinka cable car stations
Polinka cable car stations
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