膯wilin via Czarny Dzia艂 from Mszana Dolna - the yellow trail

Nearby: Mszana Dolna
Medium - For young hikers, steep sections possible
straighten  Distance 9.2km
timer Time 4h 12min
north_east Ascents 765m
south_east Descents 96m
Elevation Profile:
max 1070 m min 397 m
terrain  The slope of the terrain
wb_sunny  Route in the sun
directions_car  Access by car
directions_bus  Can be reached by bus

The yellow trail to 膯wilin from Mszana Dolna through Czarny Dzia艂 is a suggestion for a longer but very scenic hike in the Beskid Wyspowy mountains.

Yellow trail to 膯wilin from Mszana Dolna
Yellow trail to 膯wilin from Mszana Dolna

Starting point of the yellow trail in Mszana Dolna

The starting point of the trail in Mszana Dolna can be easily found near the City Hall. You can park in the center (for example, near the City Hall on weekends) or in the parking bays on Zielona Street, near the railway viaduct.

Yellow trail in Mszana Dolna, Zielona Street. Parking bays under the railway viaduct over Mszanka River.
Yellow trail in Mszana Dolna, Zielona Street. Parking bays under the railway viaduct over Mszanka River.

Marking of the yellow trail

According to guidebooks, the marking of the yellow trail from Mszana Dolna to Czarny Dzia艂 leaves much to be desired... When walking along Mszanka River in Mszana Dolna, for example, we have to turn left onto the first concrete road (even though there is no sign!). This road runs along a small stream that flows into Mszanka River near Zielona Street, and we will follow it until we reach the foot of Wso艂owa.

Pay attention to this turn on Zielona Street in Mszana Dolna! We have to turn here, even though there are no signs...
Pay attention to this turn on Zielona Street in Mszana Dolna! We have to turn here, even though there are no signs...

Along this road, we pass the last buildings and enter scenic meadows. The road becomes unpaved and sometimes less visible. Remember to walk in such a way that the bushes with the stream are on your right side when in doubt. It's also worth checking the GPS location on the map from time to time.

Yellow trail: Mszana Dolna - Czarny Dzia艂 - 膯wilin
Yellow trail: Mszana Dolna - Czarny Dzia艂 - 膯wilin

Views from the yellow trail Mszana Dolna - Czarny Dzia艂

After entering the meadows above Mszana, it's worth taking a look around! Behind us, there are Lubo艅 Wielki and Szczebel:

Lubo艅 Wielki and Szczebel from the yellow trail above Mszana Dolna
Lubo艅 Wielki and Szczebel from the yellow trail above Mszana Dolna

...and on the side, there is the majestic massif of the three-peaked Lubogoszcz:

Szczebel and Lubogoszcz from the yellow trail above Mszana Dolna. Between them are Cyrla, Gorylka, and Koto艅.
Szczebel and Lubogoszcz from the yellow trail above Mszana Dolna. Between them are Cyrla, Gorylka, and Koto艅.

Wso艂owa above Mszana Dolna

Wso艂owa is a scenic hill above Mszana Dolna. The yellow trail bypasses its summit, but if you have a moment, it's worth stopping by. From Wso艂owa, we can see a wide panorama to the southwest.

Wso艂owa above Mszana Dolna. View to the west: Lubo艅 Wielki and Szczebel
Wso艂owa above Mszana Dolna. View to the west: Lubo艅 Wielki and Szczebel

Czarny Dzia艂 above 艁ost贸wka

Continuing towards Czarny Dzia艂, we walk through the forest and along its edge. On the right, we have a view of Ostra and Ogorza艂a, the ridges of the Gorce Mountains, and the "kop臋" of Mogielica:

Ostra and Ogorza艂a from the trail to Czarny Dzia艂. On the left, you can see the peak of Mogielica, on the right, it
Ostra and Ogorza艂a from the trail to Czarny Dzia艂. On the left, you can see the peak of Mogielica, on the right, it's already the Gorce Mountains.

Attention! At some point, the yellow trail turns into the forest and leads along a narrow forest path on its edge, only to return to a dirt road after about 10-15 minutes.

Here, the yellow trail unexpectedly turns into the forest
Here, the yellow trail unexpectedly turns into the forest
...and leads along this path
...and leads along this path

After about 1.5 hours from the start of the trail, we reach the summit of Czarny Dzia艂 at an altitude of 673 meters. Here, we will find a bench and a table waiting for us:

Czarny Dzia艂, 673 meters above sea level
Czarny Dzia艂, 673 meters above sea level

...and a view of our hiking destination: the summit of 膯wilin.

Yellow trail from Mszana Dolna. 膯wilin ahead!
Yellow trail from Mszana Dolna. 膯wilin ahead!

At this point, we are approximately halfway through the journey, but the climb is still ahead of us...

Czarny Dzia艂 - 膯wilin

From Czarny Dzia艂, we descend into a vast depression, full of large puddles and mud:

Depression between Czarny Dzia艂 and 膯wilin
Depression between Czarny Dzia艂 and 膯wilin

...and then we start the ascent to the summit. This is the most challenging section of the yellow trail. From the pass after Czarny Dzia艂, we have to overcome about 400 meters of elevation difference... We can do it! Fortunately, we climb through dense fir forest.

Approaching the summit of 膯wilin - the steepest section
Approaching the summit of 膯wilin - the steepest section

When the forest around us becomes thinner, it's a sign that we are slowly entering overgrown Polana Michurowa. Be sure to look back - behind us, the majestic Babia G贸ra and the Pilica range have appeared.

Yellow trail - approaching the summit of 膯wilin
Yellow trail - approaching the summit of 膯wilin
View to the west from the yellow trail to 膯wilin
View to the west from the yellow trail to 膯wilin

膯wilin - Polana Michurowa and the summit

On the vast and incredibly scenic Polana Michurowa at the top of 膯wilin, it's worth stopping for a while. The panorama from here is one of the most beautiful in the Beskid Wyspowy mountains!

Polana Michurowa on 膯wilin - view to the south
Polana Michurowa on 膯wilin - view to the south

On the left, we can see Mogielica, followed by the Beskid S膮decki with Radziejowa, Pieniny with Wysoka, Gorce (including the towers on Luban and Gorc), Turbacz, and behind it, the Tatra range. Babia G贸ra dominates the west, slightly obscured by Lubo艅 Wielki. Next to it are the ranges of the Beskid 呕ywiecki and 艢l膮ski.

Polana Michurowa on 膯wilin. View to the west: Hazy silhouette of Babia G贸ra behind Lubo艅 Wielki
Polana Michurowa on 膯wilin. View to the west: Hazy silhouette of Babia G贸ra behind Lubo艅 Wielki

Ps. We consider this route to be one of the top 3 most beautiful scenic trails in the Beskid Wyspowy mountains - discover the others!

Beskid Wyspowy: 3 Most Beautiful Scenic Trails

Beskid Wyspowy: 3 Most Beautiful Scenic Trails

Beskid Wyspowy is a range of the Beskids located southeast of Krakow, between the valleys of the Raba and Dunajec rivers, from Mszana Dolna to Limanowa. The hills are mostly forested, yet there are plenty of scenic spots and even scenic trails to be found here! ...

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More in the Region Beskid Wyspowy (Beskid Wyspowy)
