Legend of Queen Jadwiga's Footprint

Queen Jadwiga of Poland, the wife of W艂adys艂aw Jagie艂艂o, was the founder of the Carmelite Church. The church was built in a district called Piasek, which was then a suburb of Krakow. The queen often supervised the construction of the temple.

One day, while passing by the workers, she noticed sadness on one of their faces. She asked him about the reason for his despair and learned that he had left his sick wife and children at home and lacked money for medicine.

At that moment, the queen rested her foot on a stone, unfastened a golden buckle from her shoe, and offered it to the stonemason. When she left, the workers noticed that her foot had left an imprint on the stone. As a sign of Queen Jadwiga's kindness, the stone with the mysterious imprint was placed in front of the entrance to the temple.

Another version of the legend states that the stonemason engraved the queen's foot imprint on the stone as a memento of the event.

This happened in the year 1390. We can still admire the stone with the mysterious imprint today - it is located at the corner of the Carmelite Church on Karmelicka Street 19.

Queen Jadwiga
Queen Jadwiga's Footprint
Queen Jadwiga
Queen Jadwiga's Footprint

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The Royal Route - Exploring Krakow, Discovering Landmarks and History

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The Royal Route - Exploring Krakow, Discovering Landmarks and History

max 222 m min 210 m
straighten 1.4km
timer 24min
north_east 26m
south_east 23m
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Last Updated: 2022-04-10